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Server Login/Out

Before you can access any of the Write-On iPod Touch functionality you must log on to the RESTAURANT MANAGER system at a fixed POS station

Server Log Out

The employee logout function is performed by selecting the “Cmd” button on the Order Entry Screen and entering “L” in the “abbr” field using the keyboard or select the “Logout” option from the command option list on the Selection screen.

Server Log In

Select the “Live Mode” on the default WRITE-ON screen, touch the Server ID field, and enter your employee number. You must the touch the Password field, enter your four digit password, and then touch the [Login] button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Note: Most updates applied to the Write-On will occur when you login to the system. You will notice several update screen as this occurs. This process can take anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes depending on the menu size , the amount of updates and the iPod speed.

Handheld Type

Your Write-On device may be configured to prompt for a handheld type. A handheld type links groups of handheld devices (iPods) to a single station configuration. The station configuration will determine default guest check printers along with certain security attributes. Example: you may want to choose the bar handheld type if working in the bar and the closet available fixed POS station with a printer is the bar terminal. Choosing the station closet to your section will save you from excessive trips across the restaurant to retrieve guest checks.

After entering your Server ID. password, and pressing [Login], you will be prompted to choose a handheld type. Handheld types may differ. The screen shot below shows a variety of handheld types your restaurant might use. Continue the login process by selecting the appropriate handheld type from the handheld type list, press the [Done] button. You will now be directed to the Ready Pad screen.

You will have to logout and re-login to the Write-On device if you to change handheld types. This may occur if you have switched sections in the restaurant or mistakenly chose the wrong handheld type at initial login.

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