Appendix 2 (Keywords Tables)

Below is the complete list of keywords blocks that may be useful when configuring a guest check. Click on the link to see specific keywords available under each section.

Mode Keywords Account Keywords Cash Back Keywords
Special/Print/Line Keywords  Reference Keywords Check Keywords
Separator/Total Line Keywords Account Balance Keywords Item Keywords
Date & Time Keywords Store Keywords Receipt Message Keywords
Revenue Center Keywords Sub-Total Keywords Data Block Keywords
Transaction Keywords Tax Keywords Check Message Keywords
Bill Keywords Discount Keywords Mode Keywords
Station Keywords Gratuity Keywords Award Keywords
Customer Keywords Total Due Keywords Ready Time Keywords
Table Keywords Currency Keywords Delivery Keywords
Check Total Keywords Payment Keywords Seat Keywords
Employee Keywords Balance Keywords  


Below is a list of all available keywords as they appear in order and sections as found in the Configurable Guest Check Editor

Mode Keywords



Affected By

</If Settled>

<If Settled> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only on a settled check or if the check is being settled (i.e. Detailed Receipt).  The </If Settled> marks the end of the block.

<If Settled>    Original Receipt  </If Settled>


For initialization purposes and is also a short cut to issue all the </If [key]> keywords.


<If Reference Defined>

</If Reference Defined>

<If Reference Defined> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when there is a reference defined for the check.  The </If Reference Defined> marks the end of the block.

Reference name in effect for the check

<If Account Defined>

</If Account Defined>

<If Account Defined> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when there is a guest account defined or chosen for the check.  The </If Account Defined> marks the end of the block

Guest account in effect for the check

<If Delivery>

</If Delivery>

<If Delivery> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in delivery mode.  The </If Delivery > marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode

<If Table>

</If Table>

<If Table> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in table mode.  The </If Table> marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode

<If Discount Defined>

</If Discount Defined>

<If Discount Defined> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when there is a discount in effect for the check.  The </Discount Defined> marks the end of the block.

The amount of the check discount

<If Advance Order>

</If Advance Order>

<If Advance Order> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in advance order mode.  The </If Advance Order > marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode

<If Gratuity Defined>

</If Gratuity Defined>

<If Gratuity Defined> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when a tip for the check has been defined, entered or triggered by auto-gratuity.  The </If Gratuity Defined> marks the end of the block

Amount of tip for the check

<If Not Gratuity Defined>

</If Not Gratuity Defined>

<If Not Gratuity Defined> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when there is no tip for the check has been defined, entered or triggered by auto-gratuity.  The </If Not Gratuity Defined> marks the end of the block.

Amount of tip for the check

<If Tab>

</If Tab>

<If Tab> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in tab mode.  The </If Tab> marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode

<If Fast>

</If Fast>

<If Fast> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in fast mode.  The </If Fast > marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode


For initialization purposes and is also a short cut to issue all the </If [key]> keywords.


<If Advance Order>

</If Advance Order>

<If Advance Order> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when in advance order mode.  The </If Advance Order > marks the end of the block.

The current POS mode

<If Reprint>

</If Reprint>

<If Reprint> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when the guest check is a reprint or has been printed before.  The </If Reprint> marks the end of the block.

Reprint status of the check

<If Not Reprint>

</If Not Reprint>

<If Not Reprint> marks the start of the block that is to be translated and/or expanded only when the guest check has not previously been printed before.  The </If Not Reprint> marks the end of the block.

Reprint status of the check

Special/Print/Line Keywords 



Affected By

<Line Width: [nn]>

The <Line Width: [nn]> keyword  tell the expansion engine to expand or center the values returned for the “Line” and “Lines” keywords to the width as defined by the value of [nn].

When <Expanded On> is in effect, the line width would be half of the value of [nn].  If <Line Amount On> is in effect the line width would be the value of [nn] less 5 characters.

If both <Expanded On> and <Line Amount On> keywords are in effect, the line width to be used would be half the value of [nn] less 5.

By default, the expansion engine uses the line width to 40 characters.

Example:  <Line Width: 30><# to set the line width to 30>

                  <Line Width: 40><# to set the line width back to 40

Actual line width would be affected by the following:

<Expand On/Off>

<Amount Line On/Off>


<Center Line On>

<Center Line Off>

The <Center Line On> keyword denotes the start block when centering of the values for “Line” and “Lines” keyword results.  The width to be used will be based on the value set by <Line Width: [nn]> keyword. 

The <Center Line Off> keyword marks the end of the block.

<Line Width: [nn]>

<Amount Line On/Off>

<Expand On/Off>

<Amount Line On>

<Amount Line Off>

The <Amount Line On> keyword denotes the start block when lining up the result of the “Line” and “Lines” keywords to the amount column, that is, based on the value set by <Line Width: [nn]> less 5. 

The <Amount Line Off> marks the end of the block.

<Line Width: [nn]>

<Center Line On/Off>

<Expand On/Off>

<Expand On>

<Expand Off>

The <Expand On> keyword expands to the printer code set to make the printer print the characters in double-width.  Because of such, the total number of characters that can be printed on a line would be half of what it is set to. 

The <Expand Off>keyword expands to the printer code to cancel the expanded print mode of the printer.

Note: Some printers don’t support combining expanded and non-expanded print on a single line.

<Line Width: [nn]>

<Center Line On/Off>

<Amount Line On/Off>

Station Configuration->Devices->Printer Codes->Expanded Print On/Off

<Red On>

<Red Off>

The <Red On> keyword expands to the printer code that sets the printer to print in “red” mode.  The <Red Off> keyword to cancel it.

Station Configuration->Devices->Printer Codes->Red Print On/Off

<Cut Paper Text>

This keyword expands to the printer code to cut the paper.

Station Configuration->Devices->Printer Codes->Cut Paper

<Logo Text>

This keyword expands to the printer code to print the loaded logo on the printer.

Station Configuration->Devices->Printer Codes->Logo Code

<Bar Code Text>

This keyword expands to the printer code to print the bar code for the check.  The printer codes and the bar code data would fully


Separators/Total Line Keywords



Affected By

<* Separator Line>

This keyword inserts asterisks (“*”) up to the maximum of the <Line Width: [nn]>.  This could be used for decorative purposes and for highlighting certain blocks of items in the check without having to worry about the width and the codes that might affect the width.


Example: <* Separator Line> =>


<Line Width: [nn]>

<Expand On/Off>

<Amount Line On/Off>

<Center Line On/Off>

<- Separator Line>

This keyword uses a single dash (“-“) to create a separator line.  For description of separator line keywords, see <* Separator Line>.


Example: <- Separator Line> =>


Line affecting keywords

<= Separator Line>

This keyword uses a double dash (“=“) or an “equals” sign to create a separator line.  For description of separator line keywords, see <* Separator Line>.


Example: <= Separator Line> =>


Line affecting keywords

<Single Total Line>

This keyword uses a single dash (“-“) preceded by spaces and has a length equivalent to the number of characters used for the currency format.  This is good when separating a sub-total amount from the items being sub-totaled.


Example: <Single Total Line> =>


Line affecting keywords

Station Configuration->Special->Currency Format

<Double Total Line>

This keyword uses a double dash (“=“) preceded by spaces and has a length equivalent to the number of characters used for the currency format.  This is good when separating a grand total from the items being totaled/sub-totaled.


Example: <Double Total Line> =>


Line affecting keywords

Station Configuration->Special->Currency Format

Date and Time Keywords



Affected By

<Date Text>

This keyword expands to the date that the guest check was first printed.

Example: <Date Text>


Station Configuration->Special->Date Format

<Time Text>

This keyword expands to the time that the guest check was first printed.

 Example: <Time Text>

12:01 PM


Revenue Center Keywords



Affected By

<Revenue Center Text>

This keyword expands to the name of the revenue center of the guest check.

Example: <Revenue Center Text>

Table Service

Set-Up->General->Revenue Centers

<Revenue Center Line>

This keyword expands the value of <Revenue Center Text> to as a line.

Example: <Revenue Center Line> Table Service

Line affecting keywords

Transaction Keywords



Affected By

<Transaction Number>

This keyword expands to either of the following depending on the current POS mode:

In table mode, the name or number of the table.

In tab mode, the bar tab number.

In fast mode, no expansion.

In delivery mode, the delivery number.

In advance order, the advance order number.

Table Mode Example: <Transaction Number>


Tab Mode Example: <Transaction Number>

Current POS mode

<Transaction Text>

This keyword expands to the text according to the setting for the current POS mode.

Example: <Transaction Text>

  In Table: Table

  In Tab: TAB #

Table: StringU86

Tab: String468

Fast: String134

Delivery: String810


<Transaction Info>

Combination of <Transaction Text> and <Transaction Number>

Example: <Transaction Info>

  In Table: Table Rnd-1

  In Tab: TAB # 2

See <Transaction Number> and <Transaction Text>

<Transaction Line>

See <Transaction Info>

See <Transaction Info>

Line affecting keywords

Bill Keywords



Affected By

<Bill Number>

This keyword expands to the current bill and/or order number.

Example: <Bill Number>


Station Configuration->Print/Send Options->Print Check Options->Order number length on check

<Bill Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Bill Text>



<Bill Info>

Combination of <Bill Text> and <Bill Number>.

Example: <Bill Info>

ORDER: 453

See <Bill Number> and <Bill Text>

<Bill Line>

See <Bill Info>

See <Bill Info>

Line affecting keywords

Station Keywords



Affected By

<Station Number>

This keyword expands to the current POS station number.

Example: <Station Number>



<Station Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Station Text>



<Station Info>

Combination of <Station Text> and <Station Number>.

Example: <Station Info>

Station 4

See <Station Text>

Customer Keywords



Affected By

<Customer Count>

This keyword expands to the number of customers for the current check.

Example: <Customer Count>



<Customer Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Customer Text>



<Customer Info>

Combination of <Customer Text> and <Customer Count>.

See <Customer Text>

Table Keywords



Affected By

<Table Name>

This keyword expands to the table name if a table name has been assigned to the table and number if not.  If the POS is not on table mode, it expands to an empty space.

Example: <Table Name>


Current POS mode

<Table Number>

This keyword expands to the table number even if a table name has been assigned to the table.  If not in table mode, it expands to an empty space.

Example: <Table Number>


Current POS mode

<Table Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Table Text>



<Table Info>

Combination of <Table Text>, <Table Name> and <Table Number>.

Example: <Table Info>

Table Rnd-1 (1)

See <Table Name>, <Table Number> and <Table Text>

Check Total Keywords



Affected By

<Check Total Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amount for the check.  The total includes the amounts for taxable items, non-taxable items, taxes and applied discounts.  The amount does not include gratuities

Example: <Check Total Amount>



<Check Total Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS

Example: <Check Total Text>



<Check Total Info>

Combination of <Check Total Text> and <Check Total Amount>

Example: <Check Total Info>

Total:      24.83

See <Check Total Text>

<Check Total Line>

See <Check Total Info>.

See <Check Total Info>

Line affecting keywords

Employee Keywords



Affected By

<Employee Name>

This keyword expands to the name of the employee that is handling the check.  If an employee POS name is available, will use the POS name, otherwise will use the employee’s full name.

Example: <Employee Name>


Set-Up->Labor Employees->POS Name/Full Name

<Employee Number>

This keyword expands to the employee number handling the check.

Example:  <Employee Number>



<Employee Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Employee Text>


String 49

<Employee Info>

Combination of <Employee Text>, <Employee Name> and <Employee Number>.

Example: <Employee Info>


See <Employee Text> and <Employee Name>

Account Keywords



Affected By

<Account Name>

This keyword expands to the current account name for the check.  If no account has been assigned, it expands to an empty space.

 Example: <Account Name>

Jerry Turner


<Account Number>

This keyword expands to the current account number for the check.  If no account has been assigned, it expands to an empty space.

 Example: <Account Number>



<Account Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

 Example: <Account Text>

Acct #:


<Account Info>

Combination of <Account Text>, <Account Name> and <Account Number>.

 Example: <Account Info>

Acct #: Jerry Turner (1)

See <Account Text>

Reference Keywords



Affected By

<Reference Name>

This keyword expands to the current reference that was set-up for the check.  If no reference has been set, it expands to an empty space.

 Example: <Reference Name>

Test Reference


<Reference Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

 Example: <Reference Text>



<Reference Info>

Combination of <Reference Text> and <Reference Name>.

 Example: <Reference Info>

Reference: Test Reference

See <Reference Text>

Account Balance Keywords



Affected By

<Account Balance Amount>

This keyword expands to the balance amount of the current account assigned to the check.

 Example: <Account Balance Amount>



<Account Balance Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

 Example: <Account Balance Text>

Curr Bal:


<Account Balance Info>

Combination of <Account Balance Text> and <Account Balance Amount>.

 Example: <Account Balance Info>

Curr Bal:       5.75

See <Account Balance Text>

<Account Balance Line>

See <Account Balance Info>

See <Account Balance Info>

Line affecting keywords

Store Keywords



Affected By

<Store City Text>

This keyword expands to the city of the store as set in the Back Office.

 Example: <Store City Text>      Buffalo

Set-Up->General->Store Info->City

<Store City & State Text>

Combination of <Store City Text> and <Store State Text>.

 Example: <Store City & State Text>       Buffalo, MD 20903

See <Store City Text>, <Store State Text>

<Store City & State Line>

See <Store City & State Text>.

See <Store City & State Text>

Line affecting keywords

<Store Phone Number>

This keyword expands to the telephone number of the store as set in the Back Office.

 Example: <Store Phone Number>           301-445-6100

Set-Up->General->Store Info->Phone

<Store Name Line>

See <Store Name Text>.

See <Store Name Text>

Line affecting keywords

<Store Name Text>

This keyword expands to the store name as set in ASI as part of the License.

 Example: <Store Name Text>

Chat & Chew

Set in ASI as part of the License.

<Store Phone Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

 Example: <Store Phone Text>



<Store State Text>

This keyword expands to the state of the store as set in the Back Office.

 Example: <Store State Text>

MD 20903

Set-Up->General->Store Info->State/Zip

<Store Street Text>

This keyword expands to the street of the store as set in the Back Office.

 Example: <Store Street Text>

101 Beef Street

Set-Up->General->Store Info->Street

<Store Street Line>

See <Store Street Text>.

See <Store Street Text>

Line affecting keywords

<Store Phone Info>

Combination of <Store Phone Text> and <Store Phone Number>.

 Example: <Store Phone Info>          PHONE: 301-445-6100

See <Store Phone Number>, <Store Phone Text>

Sub-Total Keywords



Affected By

<Sub-Total Info>

Combination of <Sub-Total Text> and <Sub-Total Amount>.

 Example: <Sub-Total Info>

Sub-total:      23.65

See <Sub-Total Text>


<Sub-Total Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amount of the taxable and non-taxable items on the check.

 Example: <Sub-Total Amount>



<Sub-Total Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

 Example: <Sub-Total Text>



<Sub-Total Line>

See <Sub-Total Info>.

See <Sub-Total Info>

Line affecting keywords

Tax Keywords

<Non-Taxable Line>

See <Non-Taxable Info>.

See <Non-Taxable Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Non-Taxable Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amount of all the non-taxable items in the check.

Example: <Non-Taxable Amount>



<Non-Taxable Info>

Combination of <Non-Taxable Text> and <Non-Taxable Amount>.

Example: <Non-Taxable Info>

Non-Taxed:       1.00

See <Non-Taxable Text>

<Non-Taxable Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Non-Taxable Text>



<Post-Tax Info>

Combination of <Post-Tax Text> and <Post-Tax Amount>.

Example: <Post-Tax Info>

Total:      19.70

See <Post-Tax Text>

<Post-Tax Amount>

This keyword expands to the total of the amounts of the taxable items, non-taxable items and tax less the discount of the check.

Example: <Post-Tax Amount>



<Post-Tax Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Post-Tax Text>



<Post-Tax Line>

See <Post-Tax Info>.

See <Post-Tax Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Pre-Tax Amount>

This keyword expands to the total of the amounts of the taxable and non-taxable items less the discount of the check.

Example: <Pre-Tax Amount>



<Pre-Tax Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Pre-Tax Text>     Pre-Tax Total:


<Pre-Tax Info>

Combination of <Pre-Tax Text> and <Pre-Tax Amount>.

Example: <Pre-Tax Info>

Pre-Tax Total:       0.90

See <Pre-Tax Text>

<Pre-Tax Line>

See <Pre-Tax Info>.

See <Pre-Tax Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Pre-VAT Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.    Example: <Pre-Tax Text>  Pre-Tax Total: 

Pre-Tax Total:

<Pre-VAT Info>

Combination of <Pre-VAT Text> and <Pre-VAT Amount>.    Example: <Pre-VAT Info>  Pre-Tax Total:       0.90

Pre-Tax Total:       0.90

<Pre-Vat Line

See <Pre-VAT Info>

Pre-Tax Total:       0.90

<Pre-Vat Amount>

This keyword expands to the total of <Pre-Tax Amount> less the amount of the value added taxes for the check.    Example: <Pre-VAT Amount>


<Tax Info>

Combination of <Tax Text> and <Tax Amount>.

Example: <Tax Info>

Total Tax:       0.94

See <Tax Text>

<Tax Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Tax Text>

Total Tax:

Station Configuration->Print/Send Options->Print Check Options->Consolidated tax description

<Tax Amount>

This keyword expands to the consolidated tax amount charged to the check.

Example: <Tax Amount>



<Tax Lines>

This keyword expands to the detail of the taxes being charged to the check.

Example: <Tax Lines>

Food Tax:      0.50

Liqr Tax:      0.44

Set-Up->General->Settlement->Tax Tables

<Tax Line>

See <Tax Info>.

See <Tax Info>

Line affecting keywords.

<Taxable Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amount of all the taxable items in the check.

Example: <Taxable Amount>



<Taxable Info>

Combination of <Taxable Text> and <Taxable Amount>

Example: <Taxable Info>

Taxable:      22.65

See <Taxable Text>


<Taxable Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Taxable Text>



<Taxable Line>

See <Taxable Info>.

See <Taxable Info>

Line affecting keywords

Discount Keywords



Affected By

<Discount Info>

Combination of <Discount Text> and <Discount Amount>.

Example: <Discount Info>

Discount:       0.50

See <Discount Text>

<Discount Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Discount Text>


Set-Up->Settlement->Discounts->Discount Name

<Discount Amount>

This keyword expands to the discount amount for the check.

Example: <Discount Amount>



<Discount Line>

See <Discount Info>.

See <Discount Info>

Line affecting keywords

 Gratuity Keywords



Affected By

<Gratuity Amount>

This keyword expands to the currently set gratuity or tip for the check either by the use of the MISC->Gratuity button or as a gratuity generated when an auto-gratuity has been triggered.

Example: <Gratuity Amount>



<Gratuity Info>

Combination of <Gratuity Text> and <Gratuity Amount>.

Example: <Gratuity Info>

Gratuity:       1.97

See <Gratuity Text>

<Gratuity Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Gratuity Text>


Station Configuration->Auto-Gratuity->General Options->Gratuity Description

<Gratuity Line>

See <Gratuity Info>.

See <Gratuity Info>

Line affecting keywords

Total Due Keywords



Affected By

<Total Due Info>

Combination of <Total Due Text> and <Total Due Amount>.

Example: <Total Due Info>

Total Due:      21.67

See <Total Due Text>

<Total Due Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Total Due Text>

Total Due:


<Total Due Line>

See <Total Due Info>.

See <Total Due Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Total Due Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amounts of the taxable items, non-taxable items, tax and gratuity/tip less the discounts.

Example: <Total Due Amount>



Currency Keywords



Affected By

< Primary Currency Info>

Combination of <Primary Currency Text> and <Primary Currency Amount>

Example: <Primary Currency Info>

Total Due: USD     21.67

See <Primary Currency Text>

<Secondary Currency Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amounts of the taxable items, non-taxable items, tax and gratuity/tip less the discounts and converted to the exchange rate as set up in the BackOffice.


Set-Up->General->Foreign Currency->Exchange Rate

< Primary Currency Line>

See <Primary Currency Info>.

See <Primary Currency Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Secondary Currency Line>

See <Secondary Currency Info>.

See <Secondary Currency Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Secondary Currency Info>

Combination of <Secondary Currency Text> and <Secondary Currency Amount>.

Example: <Secondary Currency Info>

Total Due: PHP   1191.85

See <Secondary Currency Text> and <Secondary Currency Amount>

<Secondary Currency Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example:Total Due: PHP


Set-Up->General->Foreign Currency->Secondary Currency

<Primary Currency Amount>

This keyword expands to the total amounts of the taxable items, non-taxable items, tax and gratuity/tip less the discounts.  This keyword is similar to <Total Due Amount>.

Example: <Primary Currency Amount>



< Primary Currency Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Primary Currency Text>

Total Due: USD


Set-Up->General->Foreign Currency->Primary Currency

<Secondary Currency Line>

See <Secondary Currency Info>.

See <Secondary Currency Info>

Line affecting keywords

< Primary Currency Line>

See <Primary Currency Info>.

See <Primary Currency Info>

Line affecting keywords

Payment Keywords



Affected By

<Payment Amount>

This keyword expands to the total of the payment amounts received for the check.

Example:  4.11


<Payment Info>

Combination of <Payment Text> and <Payment Amount>.

Example:  Total tendered:      4.11


See <Payment Text>

<Payment Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example:Total tendered:


<Payment Lines>

This keyword expands to the list of payment types and amount as have been made for the check.


Cash:                2.16

Check:               1.95

Set-Up->Settlement->Forms of Payments

<Payment Line>

See <Payment Info>.

See <Payment Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Payment Tip Amount>

This keyword expands to the total tip amounts from the payments made for the check.  If no tip has been declared in the payments then it expands to an empty space.

Example: <Payment Tip Amount>  4.50


Tip amount defined in the payments.

<Payment Tip Info>

Combination of <Payment Tip Text> and <Payment Tip Amount>

Example: <Payment Tip Info>

Gratuity:      4.50

See <Payment Tip Amount>, <Payment Tip Text>

<Payment Tip Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Payment Tip Text>


Station Configuration->Auto-Gratuity->General Options->Gratuity Description

<Payment Tip Line>

See <Payment Tip Info>.

See <Payment Tip Info>

Line affecting keywords

Balance Keywords



Affected By

<Balance Line>

See <Balance Info>.

See <Balance Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Balance Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.


Amount Due:


Voids or Guest forms of payments

<Balance Amount>

This keyword expands to the check balance amount, that is, the total amount payable less all the payments made.  For “guest” or “void” forms of payments, it expands to an empty space.



Voids or Guest forms of payments

<Balance Info>

Combination of <Balance Text> and <Balance Amount>.


Amount Due:     17.56

See <Balance Text>, <Balance Amount>

Cash Back Keywords



Affected By

<Cash Back Line>

See <Cash Back Info>.

See <Cash Back Info>

Line affecting keywords

<Cash Back Amount>

This keyword expands to the total cash back amounts from the payments made for the check.  If no cash back has been declared it the payments, then it expands to an empty space.

Example: <Cash Back Amount>



<Cash Back Info>

Combination of <Cash Back Text> and <Cash Back Amount>.

Example: <Cash Back Info>

CHANGE DUE:     20.00

See <Cash Back Text>

<Cash Back Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Cash Back Text>



Check Keywords



Affected By

<Check Info>

Combination of <Check Text> and <Check Number>.

Example: <Check Info>


See <Check Text>


<Check Text>

This keyword expands to the regular string used in the POS.

Example: <Check Text>



<Check Line>

See <Check Info>.

See <Check Info>

Line affecting keywords

Item Keywords



Affected By

<Item Count>

This keyword expands to the number items identified in the check.  Modifiers and special instruction are not included in the returned count.

Example: <Item Count>



<Item Line>

See <Check Info>.

See <Check Info>

Line affecting keywords.

<Item Info>

Combination of <Item Text> and <Item Count>.

Example: <Item Info>

Item Count: 7

See <Item Text>

<Item Text>


Example: <Item Text>

Item Count:


Receipt Message Keywords



Affected By

<Receipt Message 1 Line>

This keyword expands to the current value set in the environment variable RCTMSG1.  This variable must be set (see below) prior to executing RM15.

To set, in the command/cmd prompt, type:


Example: <Receipt Message 1 Line>


Value of RCTMSG1

Line affecting keywords

<Receipt Message 2 Line>

This keyword expands to the current value set in the environment variable RCTMSG2.  This variable must be set (see below) prior to executing RM15.

To set, in the command/cmd prompt, type:

SET RCTMSG2=abc 123 def

Example: <Receipt Message 1 Line>

abc 123 def

Value of RCTMSG2

Line affecting keywords

Data Block Keywords



Affected By

<Customer Data Lines>

This keyword expands to multiple lines of customer information for the customer chosen using MISC->Freq. Buyer option.

Frequent buyer selected

<Customer Award Lines>

This keyword expands to the customer award information as may be available for the selected customer using MISC->Freq. Buyer option.

Frequent buyer selected

Customer award status

<Group Type Total Lines> Displays the checks group types sales breakdown  

<Print Item Lines>

This keyword expands to the guest check items including descriptions, amounts, price adjustments, special instructions as may be specified in the station configuration settings.

 Example: <Print Item Lines>

1 ORANGINA           1.25

2 ORANGE JUICE       2.00

Items on check



Affected By

<Void Banner Lines>

This keyword expands to the multiple text lines to mark the check as a void.  If the check is not a void, it will expand to an empty space.

 Example: <Void Banner Lines>


***************  VOID  *****************

***************  VOID  *****************

***************  VOID  *****************



<Value Added Tax Lines>

This keyword expands to the multiple text lines of the list of the value added taxes that were applied to the check.

Example: <Value Added Tax Lines>

          Food VAT: 0.49

          Liqr VAT: 1.28

Set-Up->General->Settlement->Tax Tables

<Award Lines>

This keyword expands to the award items that the customer is to receive if and when the customer award is found and achieved.

Frequent buyer selected

Customer award status

Check Message Keywords

<Check Message Lines>

Shows the message lines set in the Backoffice Setup->Guest Checks->Standard Guest Check under the Check Message tab.

Thank you for Visiting Chat & Chew Please come back soon.    Restaurant Manager POS by ASI  Call (800) 356-6037 or visit

Mode Keywords

</If Delivery>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in delivery mode.

/If Delivery

</If Table>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in table mode.


</If Tab>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in tab mode.

/If Tab

</If Fast>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in fast mode.

/If Fast

<If Delivery>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in delivery mode.

/If Delivery

<If Table>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in table mode.

/If Table

<If Tab>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in tab mode.


<If Fast>

Text and/or keywords placed in between the two tags/keywords are to be expanded only if in fast mode.


Award Keywords

<Award Lines>

Shows the current award given for the customer (when printing to check.


<Customer Award Lines>

This keyword expands to the customer award information as may be available for the selected customer using MISC->Freq. Buyer option.


<Coupon Lines>

Use this keyword to print coupons on the guest check



Ready Time Keywords

<Ready Info>

Combination of Ready Text and Ready Time


<Ready Line>

Combination of Ready Text and Ready Time


<Ready Text>

Keyword expands to the regular string used at the POS


<Ready Time>

Expands to the time the order is to be ready at


Delivery Time Keywords

<Delivery Info>

Combination of Delivery Text and Delivery Time


<Delivery Lines>

Combination of Delivery Text and Delivery Time


<Delivery Text>

Keyword expands to the regular string used at the POS


<Delivery Time>

Expands to the time the order is to be ready at


Seat Keywords

<Seat Info>

Combination of Seat Text and Seat Number

Used w/ Split Checks

<Seat Lines>

Combination of Delivery Text and Seat Numberbut affected by line. Example a<seat>b Seat text appears on left column (a) seat number appears on right column (b)

Used w/ Split Checks

<Seat Number>

Keyword expands to the seat number Example: 1

Used w/ Split Checks

<Seat Text>

Expands to the text "Seat"

Used w/ Split Checks