Last Topic "Introduction"


RMPOS can be run on a tablet device running RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). For practical purposes, tablet devices can be either AndroidAndroid devices have screen resolution limitations and may prove difficult to resolve. In addition, Android tablets may only be used when cards cards are not processed on the tablet. Only iOS tablets have approved MSR's., Windows, or iOS based. RDP or terminal service sessions are used to connect the client (tablet device) to the RDP server (rmserver). RDP allows the client side to connect to the server with a built in graphical user interface. In the case of running RMPOS on RDP, most all data is processed on the server. Only visual data, MSR swipe information, and touch data is transferred between the RDP client and server. Note: MSR support is restricted to iPad and iPad mini's only. Windows tablets will support standard USB MSR's.

Before installation, you will need to determine if the server has adequate software and hardware since the RDP server will do most of the processing. Both hardware and software requirements are contingent on the concurrent Terminal Services session being run.

Installation is a relatively easy process. The first step is to setup the rmserver for RDP. The next step is to download the necessary third party apps to run RDP client on the tablets, The last step is to test the RDP client prior to going live.


Last Topic "Requirements"