Last Topic "Overview"


The following sections outline the basic requirements for running Restaurant Manager in a RDP enviroment.

Software Requirements

Restaurant Manager Software

RDP Client Software

Windows Operating Systems

Third Party RDP Concurrent Session Software

Third party utilities are available online for setting up test platforms using a Windows 8 OS and Windows 7 OS for multiple concurrent sessions. ASI can make no recommendations for these types of products and resellers should ensure that any software used is in compliance with Microsoft's Terms of Use.

Important: Thinstuff maybe susceptible to Windows updates affecting RDP. ASI neither endorses or recommends this product. ASI is not liable for any damages (direct or indirect) form use of Thinstuff Software. It is also the liability of the XP/VS Server purchaser/user to read and comply with the licensing terms of the particular Windows operating system or to contact Microsoft for clarification about those licensing terms.

Hardware Requirements

Requirements (Other)


Secure WiFi Network- Must meet PCI Requirements. This includes changing terminal services default port 3389.

MSR's for iPads

Recommended Hardware

Tablet Devices

Non Encrypted MSR's

Encrypted MSR's (requires Mercury)

Non Encrypted MSR's

Encrypted MSR's (requires Mercury)

Non Encrypted MSR's

Encrypted MSR's (requires Mercury)

Partner Tech offers a package with MSR and encasement

Windows O/S Memory Guidelines

Since each tablet that connects will be creating a virtual PC in server memory it is EXTREMELY Important that sufficient MEMORY (RAM) is installed in the PC that is functioning as the rmserver. And due to memory limitations of 32bit Windows, you MUST use a 64 bit Windows OS for anything other than 2 tablets.

The Windows OS itself uses anywhere from 1.6GB to 2.0 just to load the Windows operating system features, networking, file sharing etc. so you must plan memory per this model:

4GB RAM baseline PLUS 1Gb for each tablet, always rounding up for odd numbers.

For example: A site that will be using 3 Tablets should have 4GB baseline plus 1 GB for each tablet which would make it 7GB so round up to 8GB. Bottom line, DO NOT GO SHORT ON RAM.



RAM Limits by Operating Systems

Use this following Microsoft guidelines to determine RAM limits by operating system.

Physical Memory Limits: Windows 7

The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 7.


Limit on X86

Limit on X64
Windows 7 Pro 4 GB 192 GB
Windows 7 Enterprise 4 GB 192 GB
Windows 7 Ultimate 4 GB 192 GB


Physical Memory Limits: Windows Server 2008 R2

The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows Server 2008 R2 is available only in 64-bit editions.


Limit on X64

2008 R2 Standard 32 GB  
2008 R2 Enterprise 2 TB  
HPC Server 2008 R2 128 GB  


Physical Memory Limits: Windows 2008 Server

The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server 2008. Limits greater than 4 GB for 32-bit Windows assume that PAE is enabled.


Limit on X86

Limit on X64
Standard 2008 Server 4 GB 32 GB
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 GB 1 TB
Windows Small Business Server 2008 4 GB 32 GB
Windows 7 Ultimate 4 GB 192 GB


Physical Memory Limits: Windows 8

The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 8.


Limit on X86

Limit on X64
Windows 8 Pro 4 GB 512 GB
Windows 8 Enterprise 4 GB 512 GB


Additional information for RAM limitations can be found on Microsoft website using this link: Memory Limits for Windows Releases



Next Topic: "Tablet Setup"