RM Loyalty has a list of reports you can use to track customer visits, sales, point totals, awards given, and where the awards where given (for multiple store locations). You can view the reports on the screen and download them in CSV format if needed. The reports available are:
The Customer Sales Report list each customers current points (Points), number of visits, the total dollar amount spent, and the dates of their first and last visit. The customers are listed by their identifier (mobile phone number or email address) if a name has not been entered in the Customer Portal or Members page in the Management Console. Below the customer identifier will be the store where they earned the points (when multiple locations are used).
The Customer Last Visit report can be filtered by date using the Calendar icon to the right or directly typing a date in the "Display customers who have not visited since" field box. This report is helpful to identify and market to individuals who have not been in your store after a long period of time. The report lists each customers current points (Points), number of visits, the total dollar amount spent, the dates of their first and last visit, and the store they last visited (when multiple locations are used).The customers are listed by their identifier (mobile phone number or email address) if a name has not been entered in the Customer Portal or Members page in the Management Console.
The Customer Awards Report will list all awards redeemed. The report will show the customer who redeemed the award, the award name, the award amount, the date the award was redeemed, and the store were the award was redeemed. The customers are listed by their identifier (mobile phone number or email address) if a name has not been entered in the Customer Portal or Members page in the Management Console.
The Award Summary Report displays all awards redeemed, the number of rewards redeemed by type, and the dollar total given.
The Award Summary Report displays were awards are being redeemed by store and is presented in a graph format.
The Award Detail Report displays each award redeemed by location. The report shows redemption quantities by award type along with the total dollar amount given.
The Sales by Customer Report will display total dollars spent and total number of visits by customer. Dollars spent are represented as Points since award programs are based on 1 point equals one dollar spent. Information displayed can by sorted by Total Points or Total Visits using the drop down menu next to "Sort Results by" field. The customers are listed by their identifier (mobile phone number or email address) if a name has not been entered in the Customer Portal or Members page in the Management Console.