Previous Topic "POS Function Buttons"
The RM Loyalty web site is where a participating restaurant will create awards, tracking of points, and loyalty trigger thresholds. Restaurant Manager POS coupons are used to redeem an award when available. This section only covers coupon setup in Restaurant Manager for the POS system.
The name entered in the Description field of the Award Setup Form in the RM Loyalty Admin web portal must match the Coupon Name field in Restaurant Manager Coupon Setup Form. Note: there is a 25 character space limit in Restaurant Manager coupon name field. The coupon description in RM Loyalty coupon description should not exceed this limit. When RM Loyalty sends the customer information to Restaurant Manager via the GetStatus function that an award is available, the system will scan matching RM Coupons based on text. This is especially important to guarantee the correct award is given when multiple RM Loyalty awards are available during the same time period. In addition, this lessens the need for user intervention while preventing the wrong award from being applied at the POS.
Careful consideration should be given to coupon criteria when setting up an award program. The more complex the award (coupon) criteria, the more difficult it will be to apply at the POS. A standard $10 off a guest check will guarantee the coupon applied at the POS will require little intervention. However, a coupon that requires a the purchase of a certain item or a minimum amount will almost guarantee user intervention. As example, lets look at a buy one, get one for free coupon. This coupon requires two items to be on the guest check. In a delivery environment where the telephone prompt occurs at the beginning of an order along with the following award prompt, the coupon could not be immediately applied. rather, the employee will have to bypass the prompts, add the items to the guest check, and then enter the customer information again to return to the award prompt. The amount of keystrokes needed could be prevented by implementing a more user friendly coupon.
Restaurant Manager will scan it's database to match RM Loyalty Awards with RM Coupons based on text. If not match is found, the system will display a prompt for all available coupons within Restaurant Manager. It is suggest a generic coupon be created in Restaurant Manager to handle the event where no match is found. Below is a list of suggested settings for creating a generic RM Loyalty coupon in Restaurant Manager:
Coupon Name- Loyalty Program $ Open Coupon
Discount Method- Dollar off Check Total
Amount- blank
Prompt for Amount- Enabled
Quantity to Discount- blank
Limit- blank
Security Level- equal to manager security level. A manager security level is suggested to prevent misuse since this is an open coupon.
Other coupon setting are optional. You may want to create similar coupons to handle additional discount methods( dollars of each item or percentage off each item).